Studied mechanical engineering and graduated in metals science at the Technical University of Delft. Worked at Fokker Aircraft for seven years as specialist and project manager fatigue and damage tolerance methodology and was involved in the testing and type certification process of the Fokker 100 and Fokker 50.
Was consultant at Coopers & Lybrand / Civi Consultancy for six years in the field of industrial innovation. Participated in many different assignments for both governmental bodies and industry contributing expertise in materials technology, environmental technology, management and organisation, quality assurance, technology policy and subsidies.
Joined the Dutch Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA-NL, RLD) and was surveyor for several organisations approved for maintenance of aircraft or aircraft components and participated in several international standardisation team visits (MAST). Was head of the bureau General Aviation and Helicopters for more than four years. Participated in the development of policy in this area and was member of the management team of the maintenance and production department.
Started as an independent consultant with Jargon Aviation Consultancy in May 2000, supporting organisations in the interpretation and implementation of aviation regulatory requirements.
Has core expertise and experience in initial and continuing airworthiness and related subjects like human factors, safety management, auditing and incident investigation. Personally trained more than 7000 aviation professionals worldwide, both on behalf of the JAA Training Organisation (from 2004 to 2008) and for Jargon Aviation Consultancy. Holds several EASA e-examination certificates.
Is qualified ICAO trainer in the field of airworthiness and certified STAMINA human factors trainer. Holds a Human Factors Specialist certificate issued by the European Association for Aviation Psychology (EAAP)
Recently developed and published ePARTS digital regulation. These eBooks provide the EU and EASA requirements, acceptable means of compliance, guidance materials and related publications as Complete, Current, Consolidated and Clickable documents.
During his career Roger van der Velden has acquired more than 25 years of experience in aviation (industry and authority) and more than 20 years experience in consultancy. A detailed curriculum vitae can be downloaded.