ePARTS digital EASA regulations

The development of a State Safety programme (SSP) and the implementation of Safety Management Systems (SMS) are effective ICAO requirements. However EASA has not yet included requirements for safety management in the rules for initial and continuing airworthiness. Nevertheless many organisations, anticipating EASA rule making or based on contractual requirements, have started or are starting the implementation of an SMS.

Although approved organisations will already have elements of an SMS in place, there are a number of aspects that are new and need to be developed and implemented. This applies in particular to the extension from reactive safety improvements to proactive and predictive safety management. Hazard identification and risk assessment are essential processes in an SMS. For many organisations this is a new approach in which they have little or no experience. Contracting support from a consultant may be necessary.

Through one of its clients, Jargon Aviation Consultancy has been involved in the development and implementation of safety management systems since 2004. This included development of safety cases, risk assessments and bow tie analysis of hazards, threats and (escalation) controls.

In addition to consultancy services Jargon Aviation Consultancy also provides SMS training, training on auditing SMS and investigation services (safety culture assessments) to organisations developing and implementing an SMS.